When you are just having a bad day…
- We know the business… and sometimes surprises do come up and the solution is unclear. Also here, our team with extensive analytical experience and product knowledge is here for you!
We capture all your concerns and review the data at hand, as we iron out the details of our action plan together.
We help you with root cause investigations for unexpected issues related to your product (e.g. unforeseen coloration, phase separation in highly concentrated samples), irregularities observed during production (e.g. product loss, product precipitation, yield issues), monitoring and comparing the quality of raw materials, growth media and formulation compounds.
We appreciate the urgency of your request and will accommodate accordingly, working with you on a step-by-step solution and guiding you based on our extensive experience.
We provide off-site, on-site and online training support to our pharma customers in need, helping them get up-to-speed with general product and method know-how, the latest technology trends, and delivering all-round
hands-on support.