6 events found.
Separation Science – The State Of The Art in Life Science Analysis
Virtual conferenceWe’re excited to announce that we are attending LCGC's virtual symposium "Separation Science - The [...]
CESPE 2024
GhentWe are thrilled to announce our participation to the annual "Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Ph [...]
PEGS Europe 2024
BarcelonaLooking forward to the 16th edition of the European "Protein & Antibody Engineering Summit" (PE [...]
SCM 2025
AmsterdamWe are excited to announce that we are participating in the "11th International Symposium on the Sep [...]
LCGC Virtual Symposium
Virtual conferenceWe are excited to announce that our colleague Kris Morreel (Senior Scientist) will be presenting at [...]
16th Multidimensional Chromatography Workshop
LiègeWe are excited to announce that we will be participating at the 16th Multidimensional Chromatography [...]